Jesus and emotions: A creative journal for families

22.2.2021 | Congregational Life, Children, Youth and Family,

Help parents enable their children to explore their emotions in the company of Jesus.


The free Jesus & Emotions resources have all been allocated.

This page will be updated if further resources become available.


A simple way for your congregation to make a big difference to families, children and young people struggling with the impact of the pandemic.

Living through the Covid-19 pandemic is difficult for everyone. It brings particular strains on family life, challenges for children and stress to the lives of young people. As we continue to experience a scattered and disrupted church life, it is doubly difficult for congregations to respond pastorally and to encourage following Jesus closely in these days.

Through funding provided by the Education Authority Northern Ireland, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is able to offer congregations two free resources.

Jesus and emotions: a creative journal for families

Help parents enable their children to explore their emotions in the company of Jesus. 

Why do we feel the ways we do? How can we process difficult emotions? What does Jesus and the Bible have to teach us about emotional health? All of these topics are explored in fun, creative and accessible ways. 

This colourfully designed 32-page, A4 book includes stories, activities and plenty of space to write, draw and generally make the book your own.

This resource is provided to congregations through a generous grant from the Education Authority Northern Ireland. Regrettably this restricts orders to congregations in Northern Ireland.

Click here for information on the Shaken resource which is also available for free for young people