Moderator: 'Renew efforts to find an agreement'

15.2.2018 | Moderator, Statements, Public Affairs

The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rt. Rev. Dr. Noble McNeely, has expressed his disappointment that we are not in a position for devolved government to be restored in Northern Ireland and has encouraged politicians to renew their efforts to find an agreement.

In the statement Dr. McNeely said

As we approach the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, it is worth reflecting on the optimism of that time. Opportunities exist now, as they did in 1998, to honour and respect each other, and to share in the responsibility of building a better place to live.

Along with many others, I am very disappointed that we are not in a position for devolved government to be restored, and I continue to be concerned about the vacuum of good and stable government, which, of course, impacts most profoundly on vulnerable people in our society.

I urge all involved in the talks not to walk away, but to renew their efforts to find an agreement for the good of all. Those involved in this critical period can be assured of my prayers and the prayers of many across our denomination.

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