Today at the General Assembly – Wednesday 7th June

7.6.2017 | General Assembly

On the second full day of business at this year’s General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) meeting in Belfast, matters concerning the public square feature heavily, with members discussing education in the Republic of Ireland, proposals on the Eight Amendment of the Irish Constitution in relation to abortion and the political situation in Northern Ireland.


Republic of Ireland and faith based schools

In January of this year, the Minister of Education and Skills in the Republic of Ireland set out four possible approaches for changing the rules on school admissions to faith based schools. Currently when a denominational school is oversubscribed, it may give priority in admissions to children of families of a particular religious denomination to ensure that the ethos of the school is maintained.

The Assembly will debate the four possible policy options, which would either diminish or remove the role of faith in determining admissions to oversubscribed faith-based schools.

As part of their witness and work in the community, Presbyterians have sought to provide a place of education for their children and the wider community.  All the options set out by the Minister present potential problems for minority faith schools in the Republic of Ireland, and so a resolution before the Assembly calls upon the Irish Government to ensure the sustainability of schools with a Protestant ethos.

Citizens Assembly & abortion

The General Assembly will keep its focus on the Republic of Ireland when it will discuss the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, which acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and the equal right to life of the mother. In April of this year, the Citizens’ Assembly recommended a change to the Constitution and significant widening of access to abortion, including abortion on request.

Reflecting the pro-life position of PCI, the General Assembly will be asked to express deep concern about these proposals and to call upon the Irish Government to provide the best possible care and support for women experiencing crisis pregnancies.

Northern Ireland political situation

With Northern Ireland having no functioning Executive, the General Assembly will be asked to express its serious disquiet about the damage being done to the fabric of society by the continuing political crisis, and to call for the establishment of good government, based on good working relationships.

Leadership of a different kind is the focus of ‘Listening to the Global Church: Leadership in the crucible’. In this special presentation the Assembly will hear representatives from churches in parts of the Middle East and Asia, ministering and bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in very difficult situations.

During the day’s business the Moderator, Dr. McNeely will receive students accepted for the Ordained Ministry. The Assembly will also discuss and be asked to adopt the five strategic priorities that are being recommended. If accepted they will shape the work and direction of travel for the denominations councils and committees. SPUD, which stands for ‘Speaking, Participating, Understanding and Deciding’ will hold a fringe event entitled ‘Young People and the Church’.

Wednesday Evening Celebration

Following the close of business, at 7.45pm the Evening Celebration: Everyday Disciples will be held in the Assembly Hall and is open to all to attend. A key theme running throughout this year’s General Assembly, Everyday Disciples was the theme of the Moderator’s address to the Opening Night and will be the focus of the Special Assembly that will take place in Coleraine in August.

This evening’s programme for the Wednesday Night celebration will include a key note address by the well-known author and speaker, Vaughan Roberts, Rector of St. Ebbe's Church, Oxford.

Details of each day’s business can be found here. Resolutions and reports before the General Assembly can be found here in the 2017 Blue Book. Additional reports and resolutions can be found in the Supplementary Reports here.

Most of the public sessions will be streamed live via this website. All public session proceedings can also be followed via live Twitter feed @pciassembly using the hashtag #PCIGA17.


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