Tides: Recapturing the rhythm of devotion

14.4.2016 | Congregational Life, Prayer, Discipleship, Resources

A new digital tool that focuses on the rhythm of daily devotions is set to be launched by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) on Monday, 25th April.

Spearheaded by the Church’s Council for Congregational Life and Witness, Tides aims to help individuals discover afresh what regular engagement with God and His Word can mean for their lives.

In a short promotional video PCI’s Discipleship Development Officer, Rick Hill asks, “In the constant cycle of life, what would it take to recapture a rhythm of devotion for the people of God today? What if we could resource ordinary followers of Jesus with a regular pattern of Bible reading and prayer that will provoke lives of service and mission?”

The new resource is aimed at doing just that. As part of PCI’s vision to better resource congregations, the new devotional rhythm will help God’s people discover afresh what regular engagement with God and His Word can mean for their lives.

“Subscribing to the new Prayer Journey is easy. Just visit the Tides page and fill in your name and email address. Then from Monday 25th April each subscriber will receive a daily passage to read, a succinct thought to reflect on and a simple way to respond, Rick explained.

A team of 12 writers - a combination of ministers and lay people from a mix of ages from within the PCI family – have taken it in turns to write five daily devotionals around the theme of the ‘Marks of a Disciple’.

“Through a regular email arriving at the start of every morning, Tides will help us to read God’s Word, reflect on what it means through the brief commentary and push each of us to respond through challenges or questions. Over 100 people have already subscribed and I know that more will do so and benefit from this fresh rhythm of devotion,” Rick said.

TIDES from Presbyterian Church in Ireland on Vimeo.

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