Sunday Morning Minstry

Nearly every congregation within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland has some form of Sunday morning children’s ministry. It might be Sunday school, it might be Children’s church or it might be both.

Why does your congregation do what it does with children on a Sunday morning?

Have there been any changes in recent years?

Have you thought about how children can best learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus through what you teach and model on a Sunday morning, both in the children’s ministry and in the main church service?

What are we doing to ensure that our children’s discipleship is the best that it can be?

PCI has produced the 'Sunday Morning Children's Ministry' resource to help you explore some of these questions, and help prompt your thinking about how to develop your Sunday morning children’s ministry to make it even more effective. The ideas suggested might encourage you to think through some little changes to your children’s ministry or they may make you think about reviewing everything, or somewhere in between. We want to help you ask big questions to impact in significant ways how to help the children in your congregation become better followers of Jesus.

The resource is comprised of two parts:

  • The Sunday Morning Children's Ministry booklet, which gives an in depth look at various options for Sunday morning children's ministry - available for £1, these can be purchased from the menu to the top-right, or by contacting the Council for Congregational Life and Witness office at
  • A series of videos, showing how three different PCI congregations have reimagined how they do Sunday morning children's ministry. These videos are available to view below, and can be downloaded for free from PCI's Vimeo page, for use in your own congregations or children's ministry team meetings.
"We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done….Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands" (Psalm 78:4).


Sunday Morning Children's Ministry - Bloomfield (with and without subtitles)


Sunday Morning Children's Ministry - Comber (with and without subtitles)


Sunday Morning Children's Ministry - Craigavon (with and without subtitles)

