Blog spot - top picks from May's blogs

13.6.2018 | Congregational Life, Presbyterian Women, Church in the Public Square, Public Affairs, Blog, Discipleship

Each week different authors contribute their thoughts on a variety of subjects on the PCI blog. If you missed last month's, here’s another chance to catch up with some of May's top picks.

The Eighth Amendment: A personal perspective

In advance of the Republic of Ireland's refereundum on abortion, which saw the public vote to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, Very Rev. Dr. Trevor Morrow - who became minister of Lucan Presbyterian Church in 1983, the year that the Eighth Amendment was ratified - reflected on the issues in this personal blog.

Intentional women

Ahead of this year’s Presbyterian Women’s (PW) Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration, which were held on 10 May, Pauline Kennedy, PCI’s Women's Ministry and PW Development Officer, wrote that women’s ministry isn’t just about women being active, it’s about women being intentional, looking at the needs of the women in the local church and the local community.

Proximity: Moving closer to people

In his blog, Rick Hill reflects on Jesus’ pattern of prioritising proximity with people - investing in a few to be a blessing to the many - and tees up a new PCI resource coming in September designed to spark and resource a culture of relational and intentional disciple-making across the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Social Media: Engage and embrace?

As a Church we are looking at ways we can develop congregational use of social media. In this short vlog featuring Michelle Purdy and Conor Patton, they share their different experiences of social media, talk about how they see other people engaging with it and how this particular medium can be used as an important ministry tool.

Life after loss

In his blog, Tom Finnegan reflects on the questions that can arise out of bereavement and highlights a new resource produced by the Church that is designed to give biblical answers to a number of typical questions asked by Christians struggling with grief.

You can read all of May’s blogs and search through an archive of over 150 more here. Subjects ranging from discipleship to food waste, the Reformation to PCI’s Vision for Society, Christmas to different aspects of congregational life – and other nuggets in between.

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