Blog spot - top picks from February's blogs

23.2.2018 | Congregational Life, Mission in Ireland, Church Life, Children, Youth and Family, Farming and Rural Life, Blog

Each week different authors contribute their thoughts on a variety of subjects on the PCI blog. If you missed this month's, here’s another chance to catch up with some of February's top picks.

Living for the ‘happily ever after’

As couples celebrated Valentine’s Day this month, for many it is not a romance-filled occasion for all. In her blog Olwyn Mark looked at the subject of singleness and suggests the Church should do more to affirm, encourage and support those who are single.

The green green grass of home

In a regular blog that by people offering a personal reflection on faith and rural life, Robin Fairbairn writes about grass. In this reflective peice he writes of its transient nature and how when he thinks of the green green grass of home, he is reminded of that ‘green hill far away,’ - as it says in the hymn - ‘where the dear Lord was crucified, who died to save us all.’

Conciliation – Is it for you?

In her first blog, conciliator Laura Coulter gives a fictional (if not unfamiliar) example of where conciliation in a congregation might be helpful. The blog is part of a series that promotes PCI’s Conciliation Service, which exists to assist Presbyterians in dispute to find resolution.

Maynooth Celebration

On the Moderator’s weeklong visit to the Presbytery of Dublin and Munster this month, Rt. Rev. Dr. Noble McNeely went to see one of our newest congregations - Maynooth Presbyterian Church, known locally as Maynooth Community Church. In his blog, Maynooth’s minister, Rev. Keith McCrory looks at their first 10 years and realises afresh what “God has done amongst us.”

My place

Most congregations will have a family that includes a child with special additional needs. In her latest blog Ruth Bromley wrote about two evenings organized by PCI that have explored ways of including children with special additional needs in worship and children's ministry – another is planned for May.

You can read all of February’s blogs and search through an archive of over 150 more here. Subjects ranging from discipleship to food waste, the Reformation to PCI’s Vision for Society, Christmas to different aspects of congregational life – and other nuggets in between.

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