Bite-size Module 3 – Bible

Module 3: Bible

This Bite-size module considers what we need to understand about the Bible to help us grow in faith in Jesus.

Scripture is the source of everything we seek to understand in our faith, so we need to have confidence and trust in it.

Each session of Bite-size: BIBLE addresses a key part of the doctrine of Scripture using simple terms and language.

Contained in the Bible PDF resource:

  • Session 1. What is the Bible? 
    The Bible is a library of books, telling one story from God which we can read and understand.
  • Session 2. Where does the Bible come from? 
    Scripture is “God breathed”, the words of God with the power of God to change and rule us.
  • Session 3. How can I trust the Bible?  
    The Bible is true and trustworthy because it reflects God, its author, who cannot lie and is always faithful.
  • Session 4. Why does the Bible matter? 
    The Bible tells us God’s good news of salvation, and is all we need to know for eternal life in Christ.
  • Session 5. Who is the Bible about? 
    Every story and chapter in the written Word, the Bible, points to the living Word, Jesus.

This resource is free and can be ordered using the form below  It should be used in conjunction with the Leaders’ Guide which is available to download here. Further resources referenced in the session are also listed below.

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1. What is the Bible?

2. Where does the Bible come from?

3. How can I trust the Bible?

4. Why does the Bible matter?

5. What is the Bible about?

Games and exercises referred to in Bite-size: BIBLE sessions
Additional resources

Below are some resources which may help you if you have additional time in your preparation, or if you have some tricky questions and need additional reference material. You should feel no pressure to read or watch any of these and they are not for use in the sessions – there is sufficient material in the resource to run each one. However, if you wish to do more research on this big subject, this list may save you some time.

Session-specific additional resources

What is the Bible?

How can I trust the Bible?

Why does the Bible matter?&

What is the Bible about?

General resource on doctrine of Scripture


