SAT-7 Satellite TV Network

Global Mission

Region: Middle East; North Africa

SAT-7 is a Christian satellite television station run by and for the people of the Middle East and North Africa.

Its vision is to see a growing Church in the Middle East and North Africa, confident in Christian faith and witness, serving the community and contributing to the good of society and culture.

SAT-7 is governed by an International Board of Directors, the majority of whom must be Christians living in the Middle East and North Africa. SAT-7 has ministry offices and studios located in Egypt, Lebanon and Cyprus, and fundraising offices in Europe, the UK, Canada and the USA. SAT-7 has more than 100 local staff working in its offices in the Middle East.

Recognising the importance of Christian broadcasters and other Special Service Agencies, PCI continues to explore ways of forging closer links with, and supporting the work of, both the SAT-7 Satellite TV network and Feba Radio.

PCI commends the work of these two broadcasters and would encourage congregations to support them in any way they can.

Contact Details:
3-4 New Road
Wiltshire, SN15 1EJ
United Kingdom
  T: +44 (0)1249 765865