
21.3.2023 | Congregational Life, Worship and Sacraments,

Baptism marks a great moment in the lives of parents, children, adults and the local congregation. It provides a little glimpse of what God is doing and how he is at work and pictures some big truths that we want to return to often and in which we can ground our faith in God as heavenly Father, Jesus as saviour and the Holy Spirit as the one who empowers us to live by grace.

Neverless, there are many understandings about what baptism means, who it is for and how it makes a difference in our lives. This suite of resources on baptism provides simple and accessible material to help those considering baptism for themselves or their children, as well as the whole congregation better understand the sacrament and participate in services in which baptism is taking place. In doing so, it offers a first word on the sacrament, rather than a last word and congregations are invited to find their ways of making best use of the content and where necessary amplifying it as they judge best.


Leaflets for those considering baptism

Two leaflets for those considering baptism can be ordered, free, using the form below:

  • For parents considering considering baptism, Your child, baptism and growing up in the family of God
  • For adults considering baptism, Considering baptism

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Downloadable material for use in a variety of settings

Kirk session and baptism

A session for facilitating a discussion in kirk session about their role in helping others to explore and express faith as they consider baptism, Baptism: Discussion guide for kirk session

A framework for conversation with those considering baptism

Building on the material in the leaflets above for parents or adults requesting the sacrament of baptism, a framework for a follow up conversation, 'Let's chat about baptism'

Young people and baptism

A simple session for use with young people to help them understand and appreciate the teaching of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland on baptism and how the sacrament is important in the Christian life, Session for young people on baptism

Children and baptism

A set of Powerpoint slides and accompanying script that guides children present at a service in which the sacrament of baptism is a part through what is going to be happening and what it means.

Accompanying video material

The following video clips are an integral part of thus suite of resources. They are referenced in leaflets and form part of the explanatory material for use in the variety of settings above. They could also be valuable in a service at which the sacrament of baptism is to be celebrated, so that everyone present gains a fuller appreciation of the significance of baptism and their part in it. The material lends itself to many other uses in many other ways.



Baptism - an introductory clip on the Presbyterian Church in Ireland's basic teaching on baptism



Bringing our children for baptism - Jill's story



Being baptised as an adult - Beth's story 



My story of being baptised - Suzie's story



Exploring baptism in our congregation - Some reflections by Rev Gareth McFadden



Baptism - Our part as the church family - Some reflections by Rev David Currie