40 Years from Now

3.9.2018 | Congregational Life, Discipleship, Children, Youth and Family,

Following Jesus with all of our life, for all of our life

Based on the material presented at Youth Night 2018, this is a brand new resource from the
Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) for use in youth groups.


40 Years from Now is an original resource produced by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland for youth groups in any context.  The resource is based on PCI's Youth Night 2018, with some material from that night’s programme, additional discussion material and 3 brand new sessions to help leaders teach key lessons from the book of Daniel.

The material is flexible, with each session lasting between 45 - 60 minutes (but can be shorter or longer as required), and each can easily be split into 2 parts to run the material over 10 sessions.

The sessions are:

Session 1:  40 YEARS - IDENTITY and PURPOSE (Daniel 1)

Session 2:  40 YEARS – LIVING IN EXILE (Daniel 2)

Session 3:  40 YEARS – LIVING WITH CONFIDENCE (Daniel 3)

Session 4:  40 YEARS – THE HUMBLE LIVING AMONG THE PROUD (Daniel 4 & 5)


The Introduction to “40 Years from Now” is downloadable from the box to the right. The resource is free, but to access it leaders must register their group, which they can do below. When you enter your details you will automatically receive an email with a PDF of each session attached, along with a PowerPoint game for the first session. There will also be a code for you to download the video material.


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