Refined in mind

28.6.2021 | Congregational Life,

A series of summer downloads to help congregations journey towards a resumption of church life

Approaching the journey towards your resumption of church life

Let this mind be in you

In Philippians chapter 2 verses 1-11 Paul sets out God’s vision for a unity church community. Right at the centre of the passage we have the well- known verse, ‘Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus’. It’s a reminder that our attitude of heart and mind determines and directs how we act and react in the real circumstances of our lives.

As we approach our congregation’s journey towards resumption of a fuller and fresh expression of church life, we need to do so with prayerfully prepared hearts tuned to the mind of Christ and refined in his image.

Refined in mind offers a short, simple reflection on a basic theme to share with members on social media over the summer period.  Each Tuesday, a new download will appear on this page and will be highlighted as well on PCI's social media channels to inspire congregations on the following themes:

  • Be positive
  • Be realistic
  • Be focused
  • Be open
  • Be generous
  • Be flexible

Tuesday, 6th July: Be positive

As you prepare to play your part in your congregation’s restart of a fuller and fresh expression of church life do so ready to make the most of the gradual easing of restrictions to grasp the opportunities of what each new freedom allows you to do. That’s not easy when we have been disappointed so often by the ‘stop-start’ nature of the last year, but just now let’s try to encourage one another to approach the coming months with a positive frame of mind.


Sovereign God,

who is in control of all things,

as we emerge from this prolonged period of restrictions,

help us to take confidence in you.

As I play my part in the fuller and fresh expression of my congregation’s life

in these days,

help me to be positive,

forward looking,

grateful for each new possibility,

energised by what you are doing,

and encouraging towards others.

In Jesus’ Name.


Tuesday, 13 July: Be realistic

It might be tempting for you to want to rush to get back to the way things were before the pandemic as quickly as possible. Maybe you feel much more tentative about things and feel the need to be gently coaxed back to fuller involvement and activity. Much of that comes down to our individual temperament and particular experience of the pandemic.

Be honest with yourself and realistic and sensitive to the feelings of others in your congregation. Allow your congregation to treat the gradual easing of restrictions as your friend in setting a sensible pace for a return to what feels like a more natural rhythm of church life.


Unhurried God,

whose timing is perfect,

never too quick, never too slow,

lead our congregation in a realistic journey towards a more normal pattern of

church life.

Help us be patient when things feel slow,

help us lengthen our stride so as not to miss important moments,

set the pace so that we find your rhythm.

Enable us to be sensible, rather than sensationalist in our planning,

sensitive in lovingly bringing everyone along.

In Jesus’ name.


Tuesday 20 July: Be focused

Your congregation won’t be able to manage to restart activities in every area of church life at the same time. The focus will be on getting core things back first, beginning with the restoration of worship, perhaps followed by gatherings which promote reconnection with those groups with whom ties have been most weakened. Good leadership will be key in ensuring that things don’t descend into chaos, listening to and communicating well with members and leaders of individual organisations and activities. Play your part in attending, joining in and being supportive as much as you can.


Almighty God,

you are without limitation,

you speak a word and bring about a world in a week,

and still have time for Sabbath.

We are not like that,

often failing because we try to do more than we are able to accomplish,

spreading ourselves thin,

leaving everything we do without depth.

Help us to all to be as one in our focus,

as we gradually rebuild our congregation’s life,

rather than trying to do it all at once.

In Jesus’ name.


Tuesday 27 July: Be Open

There are lessons to be learned in your congregation through our experience of this pandemic. This probably is a once in a generation moment to listen to

what God is saying about what we do and how we do it. We desperately need to restore some things. Others may need to be reassessed, or even laid to rest. Give permission to acknowledge that not everything you did before should recommence and that there may be new and different ways of reshaping core activities of church life. Encourage openness to that and imagination. Listen to new ideas and give them space for consideration. Try to overcome fears about doing things like you never have before, or a scaling back on your congregation’s weekly programme. Encourage risk and experimentation. Help others get beyond the guilt of stepping back. Maximise the moment for bringing new leaders on board. See where God takes you.


All wise God,

give us eyes to see where you are taking us,

ears to hear your voice in our midst,

hearts and minds open to what you are showing to us and saying to us,

as our congregation gradually emerges into the post-Covid world.

Help us to discern the mind of Christ,

as to what we need to restore,

what we need to reconsider,

what we need to lay to rest.

Help us to overcome our fears of what is new, different, unsettling.

Help us act in faith where we need to do things differently or even do different


In Jesus’ name.


Tuesday 3 August: Be generous

It is going to be easy to become so caught up with the challenges of reconnecting with our own members and restarting activities for them. In doing so, we could miss the opportunities that might be before us to reach out to our local communities as they feel their way into the post-Covid world. Those who never come near our church have experienced many of the same trials as we have. We have lived through a genuinely ‘shared experience’ as a society. So, remain alert to the wider need and impulse of people in the community to be together as restrictions ease.

Be generous in extending invitations to church activities to others beyond your own membership as a way of sharing God's grace. Also, think about how you might deepen your interest and involvement in global mission by finding some practical ways you could support an overseas person, project or place in their post-Covid recovery. The generosity of God’s people has already made a deep impact in many lives during the pandemic. Build on that in small, but significant ways to continue to connect more widely and commend the gospel more deeply.    




Loving God,

Thank you for all the ways in which you bless us by making us part of the 

body of Christ.

Thank you that among its people we know your presence, comfort, 

encouragement and support. 

But help us to remember as we rebuild our church life,

that you call us to play our part in the redemption of the world beyond;

that there are many who have no spiritual home, 

no spiritual family, 

no spiritual comfort in you.

Ravaged and restless by the effects of the pandemic, 

they too need to know your generous love in Christ.

Show us how to share it by gracious giving of our time, 

gentle listening and witness,

generous invitation to find life and rest and peace in the gospel.

In Jesus’ name.


Tuesday 10 August: Be flexible

One of the things we have learned about ourselves as churches during the pandemic is that we are more flexible and able to adjust than we thought. We have had to be. Necessity has become the mother of invention. That flexibility is going to be an important quality to bring with us because we should anticipate that progress up ahead may be haphazard, with unexpected gains to be gratefully celebrated, but also likely changes of pace, maybe even pauses, on the journey. Retaining flexibility and restraining frustration will help us negotiate the next few months with the patience and perseverance we need to keep moving forward.


All knowing God,

you know the future better than we can even remember the past;

you are never caught out by anything that happens;

your plans are never thrown off course;

you rule and overrule for your glory and our good.

We like to think we are in control like that,

but the pandemic has shown us that our best laid plans are frail, faltering and


So build in us a flexibility as we go forward.

Help us to adjust to changing circumstances,

navigate obstacles,

rise to challenges,

seize opportunities,

all in your strength,

and by your power at work in us and through us.

In Jesus name.


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