Shirley McGonigle

International Meeting Point, North Belfast

North Belfast Presbytery

I have been assistant project leader of the International Meeting Point at Carlisle Circus in north Belfast since March 2022, working alongside Keith Preston. IMP in north Belfast is building on the established gospel presence of the Op Shop, the Teenie Tots toddler group and the Bible Study.

We aim to provide a welcoming space where those seeking asylum or refuge can experience the love of Jesus through practical help and friendship. English classes take place in a relaxed and informal setting. In addition, there is the chance to provide help in filling in forms, signposting to governmental agencies, making appointments by phone etc. We are starting to work with local primary schools by providing English classes on site, and supporting churches in the North Belfast Presbytery as they reach out to newcomers in their local community. The drop in and the toddler group both create an opportunity for those who are experiencing loneliness to find a sense of belonging; the Bible Study offers those wanting to find out more about Jesus a safe place to ask questions and explore faith.

There is no doubt that God is doing a new thing in the darkness of north Belfast. Many people from war torn nations and oppressive governmental regimes are arriving daily. The needs are great; food, clothes, overcoming language and cultural barriers, but above all there is a deep cry for safety, acceptance, community and love. Jesus calls us as believers to serve and minister in His name as only He can meet these heartfelt needs. IMP North is called to this ministry and is seeing the numbers of those coming through the doors increase rapidly. Isaiah 58 speaks profoundly to me and urges me on as I seek to serve: 'Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.'

Prior to taking up this role, I was a teacher of Modern Foreign Languages for 30 years in Belfast. I am married to Ian and have two daughters. Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church in Bangor is my home church and I am very grateful for the support and encouragement that my church family give me as I work with IMP. 

Prayer points:

  • Praise God that he is at work in the darkness. People in need are being drawn to the work of IMP.
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment for me as I look at how to develop the ministry in this part of Belfast.
  • Give thanks for the many churches who support the work of IMP, and pray for volunteers as the work expands.
  • Pray that conversations will turn to Jesus, that people will be curious to find out about the hope we have and that many would believe in Jesus as Lord of their own lives.

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