
30.9.2021 | Congregational Life, Children, Youth and Family,

Screen-Shot-2021-09-23-at-12-50-14-(1).pngYouth Resource:

Help young people to stand firm on the right foundation

Steady offers a readymade resource to make a difference with young people who continue to adjust to a strange and unpredictable world.

Life these days may look a lot more like it used to, but there are still so many pressures and anxieties for young people. As youth leaders beginning to meet with them again, it isn’t easy to know where to start, or to address the kind of themes that speak to present needs from a Christian perspective. With lots of exercises and biblical reflections, this resource equips young people to access God’s constant steadiness in their everyday lives.

As a follow-up to their SHAKEN resource already used by many congregations, STEADY has been produced by The Big House Ireland.

To find out more about Steady and to order go to:  Big House Ireland.