WHOLE & Unprecedented digital small group resource

7.5.2020 | Bible Study, Congregational Life,

NEW Free downloadable digital small group resource


Living well as the people God has made us to be

Whole_Logo.jpgAs we enter 2021, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is still with us. Even though hope of the return of a greater normality is on the horizon, we still find everyday life challenging on a lot of levels – spiritually, socially, physically, mentally, emotionally and motivationally.

Following the pattern of the previous Unprecedented material, the WHOLE resource offers a short, sharp framework which allows participants to catch up with each other pastorally, reflect on what God is saying in this moment and respond with renewed faith in him and following in his ways for their lives.

Each session revolves around a single theme exploring an aspect of living well as the people God made us to be as we continue to navigate the pandemic period. Sessions unfold in three parts:-

Listening to your heart

Learning from God’s Word

Living out in your life

Each part centres around a question to which group members can respond, forming an overall framework for sharing and learning together, whether gathering in-person or digitally. Participants can download each session to their mobile device and keep the content before them during the conversation.

Usable in any order, taken together, the six sessions offer a Biblical approach to living well as whole people made in the image of God, as we seek to follow Jesus in this season of life. 

  1. Grounded wellbeing: Hopefulness – Romans 8:18-28
  2. Social wellbeing: Supported – Proverbs 27:17; Ecclesiastes 4:12; Hebrews 10:24-25
  3. Physical wellbeing: Strengthened – 1 Kings 19:1-9
  4. Mental wellbeing: Focused – Philippians 4:4-9
  5. Emotional wellbeing: Steadied – Philippians 4:10-13
  6. Active wellbeing: Carried along – Hebrews 11:13-16     



A short, sharp framework which allows participants to catch up with each other pastorally, reflect on what God is saying in this moment and respond with renewed faith in him and following in his ways for their lives.


Until Covid-19 lockdown restrictions on gatherings are significantly eased, many congregational small groups have moved from the living room to the digital space. This significantly changes the group dynamic in ways we are still finding our way around. Meetings need to be well facilitated around a shorter, sharper framework which allows participants to catch up with each other pastorally, reflect on what God is saying in this moment and respond with renewed faith in him and following in his ways for their lives.

Unprecedented recognises that we are living through a once in a lifetime event that offers lessons for the rest of our lives. Each session revolves around a one word theme related to life in the lockdown. Three parts, each offering a question to which group members can respond, form the framework for sharing together. Participants can download each session to their mobile device and keep the content before them during the session.

Listening to your heart

Calling for reflection and offering a cue for pastoral awareness of individual circumstances.

Q. How have you found your experience of this session’s theme during the lockdown?

Learning from God's Word

Offering a section of Scripture and asking:

Q. How do you find this verse a challenge or encouragement?

Living out in your life

Moving to life application.

Q. How will what you have thought about bring change to the way you live now and in the future? 

The downloadable images can be displayed for everyone to see during an online call (e.g. using the screen share function on Zoom), or alternatively, participants can save to the image library on their mobile or tablet device before the small group meets for easy access during the online gathering.

For further tips about leading digital small groups click here.

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