Schools' Ministry – Resources

7.2.2018 | Congregational Life, Children, Youth and Family,



It’s Your Next Step (Scripture Union)

Starting school is a big milestone in a small child’s life, and It’s Your Next Step provides children and their parents/guardians with an opportunity to work through any issues or anxieties.

It’s Your Move! (Scripture Union)

It’s Your Move! has been given to over one million Year 6 children across the UK and Ireland each year since 2001, as part of a programme helping them make the transition from primary/national to secondary school.

One idea for your church would be to buy these books and distribute them to the P7/6th class children at the end of the year in each of your local primary/national schools.

School Survival (Christian Focus)

School is a place where we should make lasting friendships but sometimes we can have problems. Life can be difficult and often it’s a fight just to survive! The whole friendship and getting on with people thing is a challenge. Reading this book will help you think about those challenges.

YP’s Guide to Starting Secondary School (CWR)

New school. New challenge. Starting secondary school can also be a daunting experience. Kids go from being a big fish in a small pond to the reverse, seemingly overnight. It can be especially fraught for young Christians, many of whom are exposed to peer pressure ridicule and find their faith challenged. This book can help, however. It’s crammed with useful advice on leaving primary/national school friends, preparing well, making wise choices in the early weeks, and building faith and friendships.

Topz Tips for School (CWR)

From home to the classroom (and the playground in between!), Topz has got some brilliant tips to help you make the most of the school years! Designed to encourage, reassure and entertain key stage 2/senior class pupils.

Pens Special Starting School (CWR)

Squiggle and Splodge, the youngest of the Pens characters, are due to start school and Splodge is nervous, and is hiding under the bed covers. With the encouragement of the other Pens, especially Charlotte, who explains that God, their Special Friend, will go with them to school and will help them not to be scared, Splodge finds the courage to go – and has a wonderful day. Ideal for children aged three to six.

Top Tips on developing partnerships between church and school (Scripture Union)

This book helps with ideas to explore opportunities for Christians to create partnerships with local schools. It contains inspirational stories of people who have demonstrated that “every child matters” in church and school. And it includes ideas for being a local volunteer in your primary/national or secondary school.