Vision for Society Statement

A revised version of the General Assembly’s 1994 Peace Vocation, entitled ‘Vision for Society’ was received by the General Assembly in June 2016.

Speaking at the time, Convener of the Council for Church in Society, Very Rev. Dr. Norman Hamilton said, “This is a symbol of our desire that this statement will both be a stimulus for our engagement with wider society, as well as a powerful symbol that this is a calling of the whole Church to a highly important aspect of Christian and Biblical witness.

“I hope this will send a strong and positive message to political parties and others that the Church is committed to playing its part in helping to build better relationships in civic life and in local communities.”

A number of resources are available in connection with the Vision for Society statement and can be found here.

‘Vision for Society’ Statement

saved by grace

and called by God to grace-filled relationships,
in the power of the Holy Spirit

as ambassadors of Christ’s Kingdom

in a broken and divided world;

BELIEVE that the Good News of Jesus Christ
challenges and equips us

to develop radically new attitudes and relationships
with our neighbours throughout the whole of Ireland.

WE CONFESS our failure

to live as Biblically faithful Christian peacebuilders
and to promote the counter culture of Jesus

in a society where cultures clash.

ACCORDINGLY, WE AFFIRM Christian peacebuilding
to be part of Christian discipleship

and reassert the Church’s calling

to pursue a peaceful and just society in our day

WE SEEK a more reconciled community
at peace with each other,

where friend and foe,

working together for the common good,
can experience healing
and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s ‘Vision for Society’ statement supersedes the 1994 Peace Vocation, a copy of which you can download here.
