Historical Information

In this section you will find historical information relating to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Many requests are received from people across the world looking to trace their Irish ancestors who may have been Presbyterian. The Congregational Records section will help researches best direct their inquiries.

Since 1840 the Church has had over 170 Moderators – six have served twice and two have been resident in India. Here you will find their names, year in office, their congregation’s hometown and the date of death.

You may have noticed a burning bush which is part of PCI’s corporate identity on this website. It can also be found embroidered upon countless pulpit falls, and is carved into church tables and chairs and hymn boards all over the country. Here you can find out more about this symbol of Irish Presbyterians.

You can also find out about the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland. Since 1907 it has explored and promoted an understanding of the history of Presbyterianism in Ireland.
