2017 World Development Materials

19.10.2017 | World Development,

The theme of this year's Appeal is A beautiful Idea: Women's voices in fragile states.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the world's most fragile states. Since 1999, six million people have died as a direct or indirect result of the ongoing civil conflict.

The extreme insecurity experienced by families and communities on a continuing basis leads to displacement, hunger, and the breakdown of basic health services.

The reality of good sustainable development work is that it is hard, it is long-term, and the forces ranged against you can seem overwhelming. Over the next four years, you are invited, through the World Development Appeal, to travel this hard road in solidarity with our partners in fragile states like the DRC.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The 2017 World Development Appeal highlights the work of Tearfund partner, Action Entraide, in the DRC, one of the most difficult places in the world to be poor. Action Entraide are committed to breaking the cycle of violence, despair and fear. Committed to reducing poverty in the DRC, Action Entraide work in a number of focused areas, which include enabling community awareness of issues related to gender and child protection; savings and small business schemes; and peace and reconciliation, encouraging the participation of Christian young people in development and in the reconciliation process.

Action Entraide also work to enable some of the women who have been deeply scarred by violence to speak out, and to participate fully in the building of a new and more safe and stable society.


The second project being supported by the 2017 Appeal is Padare Enkundleni, a faith based men's forum for gender issues in Zimbabwe, and a Christian Aid partner. The particular project we are supporting will increase the capacity of faith leaders to address issues of gender inequality gender-based violence (GBV) through church policies and programmes. One of its aims is also to engage men in working to end the practice of GBV in their own communities.

Two films have been produced for the Appeal

The main film tells the story of a women's self-health initiative, focusing on maternal and neonatal health. The women of Zumbe have set up a travel fund which now provides for transport to hospital when a pregnant woman approaching her due date experiences complications.

PCI World Development Appeal 2017 // Main Film from Presbyterian Church in Ireland on Vimeo.


The second film, for adults only, tells Hope's story of being kidnapped and gang raped, and then recounts something of the hard yet life-affirming journey she has made in the 10 years since.

The 2017 Appeal lifts up the voices of Hope and the women of Zumbe in order to highlight the need to put gender justice at the heart of sustainable development.


Giving to the 2017 World Development Appeal will enable organisations like Action Entraide and Padare Enkundleni, to support some of the world's poorest people, building a future for them in some of the hardest places in the world to be a women, and to be poor.

Please find in the downloads box various resources and background materials that are available for the 2017 World Development Appeal, including a poster, worship materials and PowerPoint information slides.

To donate to the World Development Appeal for 2017 please click here.