Electing Ruling Elders

9.3.2016 | Congregational Life, Eldership, Leadership, Reports,

A step-by-step guide to the process of electing ruling elders for Kirk Sessions and Presbyteries.

This resource is intended to help Kirk Sessions think through the process of electing new elders. It starts by engaging with the important question of why new elders should be sought and then explains the process step by step. Guidance is given on choosing between the two methods for electing elders described in the Code of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. It goes without saying that the Kirk Session will be seeking God’s leading in electing new elders. However, it is important to note that, as Presbyterians, we believe He works in and through these processes so that everything is done in an orderly manner with godly wisdom so that both the steps taken and the end result ultimately glorify Him.

A short ‘quickstart’ version of this resource is also available for download for easy reference by elders and discussion in Kirk Session.