Pastoral life videos

11.12.2017 | Pastoral Care, Congregational Life, Video,

A resource to help members of congregations, kirk sessions, pastoral care team members and others with specific roles in pastoral care to develop their understanding of the pastoral life of the congregation.

These three videos are designed to act as discussion starters. Discussion questions are given at the end of each video (showing one video and the following discussion takes about 15 to 20 minutes).

Each video provides an illustration of one side of the ‘pastoral life triangle’, which is made up of pastoral care (Christlike love in action), pastoral core (biblical foundation) and pastoral community (a caring fellowship).

The videos can be used in various settings, for example:

  • At the start of a regular meeting (one video per meeting), for example, a kirk session, pastoral care team meeting or in a small group
  • In a Sunday service for the whole congregation (with or without the discussion questions)
  • For individual personal reflection

To download the videos below for use when not connected to the internet, click on the video heading, such as, 'An illustration of pastoral care' and then select 'download' to save.

Video one: pastoral care – mental health and pastoral care

An illustration of pastoral care from Presbyterian Church in Ireland on Vimeo.


Video two: pastoral community – four different aspects of pastoral community (one to one, fellowship time on Sunday, small group and mentoring)

Illustrations of pastoral communities from Presbyterian Church in Ireland on Vimeo.


Video three: pastoral core – using the Bible in pastoral conversations

An illustration of pastoral core from Presbyterian Church in Ireland on Vimeo.