Fit for Purpose Logos

9.3.2016 | Artwork & Logos, Fit for Purpose,

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Fit for Purpose General logo

This is an innovative programme of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland designed to inspire and encourage creative thinking on how we focus on important aspects of Christian witness.

Five key themes have been adopted by the General Assembly to concentrate our thinking and inform our discussions and it is hoped they will be taken up in appropriate ways and owned at all levels in the Church right up until 2016.



Fit for Purpose 2012 - A Prophetic Voice


A prophetic voice, confidently proclaiming where it stands and who it stands beside, in a society which is increasingly secular and often opposed to Christian values and lifestyle.



Fit for Purpsoe 2013 - A Place of Transformation

A place of transformation, where people do not leave as they have entered but are challenged and changed, having encountered the living God present in the worship and the lives of his people.



Fit for Purpose 2014 - A People of Service and Outreach

A people of service and outreach, with each congregation seeking to identify the needs of the community where it is placed and encouraging its members to act as Christ’s representatives in the place where they live and work.



Fit for Purpose 2015 - A Caring Fellowship

A caring fellowship, welcoming the stranger and learning from one another, valuing the gifts of each individual, while offering prayer and pastoral support to all in need.



Fit for Pupose 2016 - A Community of Global Concern

A community of global concern, learning from and sharing with our brothers and sisters in the world Church, while recognising with them those issues of concern for our stewardship of the world’s resources where together we must challenge injustice, poverty and oppression in Jesus’ name.