Guidelines for Twinning

9.3.2016 | Guidelines,

Guidelines for congregations who wish to twin with another congregation.

What is twinning?

Twinning is a form of partnership.

As the idea of 'twin' would suggest, it is one where the relationship is of a 'sibling' type rather than for instance a 'parent-child' type.

Congregational twinning is an intentional, partnering relationship with a congregation from another culture or geographical region – a cross-cultural partnership in the gospel.

It gives the opportunity for fellowship and shared learning among believers from different backgrounds. Through good communication and the building of a godly relationship, the twinning aims to strengthen and encourage both partners as they seek to be part of God's global church.

This leaflet will help you to think through some questions you need to ask and issues which should be addressed if you are to have a successful twinning relationship with the other congregation. You will be encouraged to consider why we should twin with others, our expectations from such a relationship, practical matters to be thought through before starting and pitfalls to guard against.

For further information contact the Global Mission office by email or telephone +44 (0)28 9032 2284

Click on the link above right to download a copy of the Guidelines in PDF format.